Donate to the MORE Foundation

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Please enter the amount you wish to donate along with selecting where you would like this donation to be used.
If you wish to make a donation in honor of someone, please type their name in the comment field below.
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Donation Total: $1.00

The mission of MORE Foundation is Empowering Individuals to Keep Life in Motion® through innovative research, community education, and charitable assistance. Each of these three pillars– Innovative Research, Community Education, and Charitable Assistance – rely on the generous support of our donors. As a non-profit charitable organization, we understand the positive impact that philanthropy can have on donors as well as recipients. Contributing to our programs can enrich your life in addition to the lives of our program beneficiaries.

As a donor to MORE Foundation, you decide where your charitable contributions are applied. You can choose to support a broad pillar such as charitable assistance or research programs, drill down to a specific program such as Helping Handsor contribute to our greatest need fund and let the Foundation’s leadership decide where your contribution can have the greatest impact.

If you have suffered from a musculoskeletal ailment, or know someone who has, you understand the impact that loss of mobility can cause. Our innovative research programs seek to advance the standard of medical care for the prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal diseases. Our educational programs inform the public and continually train medical professionals in the best options for patient treatments. Our charitable programs directly impact the lives of veterans and children in measurable and positive ways. Please consider supporting MORE Foundation to ensure we continue to achieve our vision of A World Full of Active People.



MORE Foundation is a nonprofit
organization (EIN 27-0170045) that is
recognized as a tax-exempt private
foundation under section 501(c)(3) of the
Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to
MORE Foundation are tax deductible to the
extent provided by law.