The MORE Foundation’s charitable programs and services meet the needs of military veterans and others who want to Keep Life in Motion® 

Veterans Transportation Assistance Program

Many military veterans need physical or financial assistance for transportation to and from important medical appointments. Through our Veterans Transportation Assistance Program, or V-TAP, the MORE Foundation subsidizes transportation for veterans in metropolitan Phoenix.
MORE Foundation 3D printing technology to create custom prosthetic hands for children in need – at no cost to recipients. Using open-source designs and the latest in printer technology, prosthetics can be designed and created at a fraction of traditional costs and far more quickly. These prosthetics can also be resized as the child grows, until they reach maturity and receive a more permanent prosthesis. Learn MORE about Helping Hands
Many military veterans need physical or financial assistance for transportation to and from important medical appointments. Through our Veterans Transportation Assistance Program, or V-TAP, the MORE Foundation subsidizes transportation for veterans in metropolitan Phoenix. Learn MORE about V-TAP