The Life Voyages Website was inspired by the novel The Voyage of Life and the paintings Voyage of Life which reside in the National Museum of art. In my career, I made a number of trips to Washington D.C. and when I found the time to visit the museum and view the paintings, I was struck by how well they reflected the stages of our lives. Anyone looking back on their experiences and the painting’s depictions, it is easy to feel we live four different lives–childhood, youth, manhood and old age.

My novels and screenplays are about life and love, the struggles and triumphs. Life Voyages offers information about the stories, background, research, and discussion and invite comments.

One of my favorite novels about life and love is, “This House of Sky,” by Ivan Doig. The following story illustrates this. When Ivan Doig was alive he appeared at numerous book story signings for his book, and This House of Sky, remained the prime topic of interest among his readers. As he describes one of his book signing experiences, a young woman looked past him to a stack of, This House of Sky, books and half whispered as if thinking out loud, “I’ve got to get one of those and give to my father.” Merely making conversation, he asked, “why”, thinking maybe her father was a rancher or from Montana?”

“No,” she unforgettably said in a voice so choked it brought Ivan’s own heart to the top of his throat. “Because I love him.”

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The North Idaho Journey

My last business gig was in north Idaho. I had left my position as CEO of the Sunderbruch Corporation and was pursuing a new venture with a business partner when I was involved in an accident that left me with a broken neck and numerous other injuries. That ordeal is another story about angels and peace and the lure of starting up a new company in Coeur d’Alene Idaho. I still count relocating there as one of the great blessings in my life. That time of my life was filled with many blessings. This video is the story of the North Idaho Health Network. I am posting it here as much to store the video in a safe place for posterity.